1982 – Skeleton Limbs and Obscure Hymns XXI @Badehaus Berlin

1982 – Skeleton Limbs and Obscure Hymns XXI with LA BOUM BRUTE Live (EP Release) https://www.facebook.com/Badehaus.Berlin https://www.facebook.com/events/404107372555488/ Join us for the twenty-first night of blasphemy and debauchery at 1982 – Skeleton Limbs and Obscure Hymns! Expect a wild mix of […]

Lost Sounds meets 1982 @Bahnhof Langendreer Bochum

Lost Sounds meets 1982 DJs Tuxxedomoon & Passionate Bones 1982 – Skeleton Limbs and Obscure Hymns Berlin Goth, Punk and Wave focused DIY club night since 2018 in the spirit of the old Batcave club. Der Bahnhof Langendreer ist bequem […]