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Veranstaltungsserie Veranstaltungsserie: Minicave-Festival 2024 @Triptychon Münster

Minicave-Festival 2024 @Triptychon Münster

21. September 2024 @ 18:30 - 5:00 CEST

* Death Rock – Post Punk – Minimal – Batcave – New Wave – Synth Punk – Synth Wave*

Minicave – the Festival to meet friends from around the world or making new ones – the Festival to enjoy impressive bands pampering us with their sounds full of passion, musical history and just fantastic tunes. And all this in an familiar atmosphere, in a venue full of peace and good vibes!!!

19:30 doors open

20:15-20:55 Aus Tears, Finnland
21:15-22:00 Mekrokiev, Mexico
22:20-23:10 Kadeadkas, Germany
23:30-00:30 Staatseinde, Netherlands
00:30 – open end Aftershowparty with Medusa (Germany), Frenopata (Mexico), HURZ! (Present for the Future, Germany)

18:30 doors open

19:15-19:55 Dividing Lines, Germany
20:15-21:00 Adam Tristar, Netherlands
21:20-22:05 Phantom Vision, Portugal
22:25-23:15 Twin Noir, Germany
23:35-00:35 Lucas Lanthier and several of his esteemed colleagues performing the songs of CINEMA STRANGE, Austria/US
00:35 – open end Aftershowparty with Tankel Lux (Gothic Pogo, Germany), Zeitungeist (Gothic Pogo, Germany), Cavey Nik (Dead and Buried, UK)

We can´t wait to welcome you again, dear family!

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